Not really a "blog", strictly speaking; more of an on-line notebook. A sort of commonplace book , where I can collect short excerpts, and related links, from books that I am reading (and the occasional on-line article). This is mostly for my benefit; things that I want to remember. Sounds dull? Yeah, maybe, but no one is twisting your arm, and besides, there's some good stuff down there...after all, there are certainly worse ways for you to waste fifteen or twenty minutes on the internet.


A Mind's Matter; An Intellectual Autobiography -Stanely L. Jaki

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-About The Author

- Obituary in the London Times

- The Duhem Society  

The Road of Science and the Ways to God -Stanley L. Jaki

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-About The Author

- Obituary in the London Times

- The Duhem Society  

At the End of an Age -John Lukacs

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- About The Author 

"The materialist philosophy and theories of the nineteenth century were hardly more than one chapter in the history of Science, even though its consequences are still all around us, blocking our vision. Physics has ended by explaining away matter itself, leaving us with an ever increasing skeleton, a more complex but essentially empty scaffolding of abstract mathematical formulae. Meanwhile evidences accumulate of the intrusion of mind into "matter." We need not hatch our way through the verbal jungle of "post-modern" philosophers of the twentieth century, even while we recognize their, long overdue, rejection of Objectivism. Unfortunately for so many of them this means but a supermodern kind of Subjectivism, which is a very insufficient approximation of the reality that the key to the universe is mind, not matter."    (131)