Not really a "blog", strictly speaking; more of an on-line notebook. A sort of commonplace book , where I can collect short excerpts, and related links, from books that I am reading (and the occasional on-line article). This is mostly for my benefit; things that I want to remember. Sounds dull? Yeah, maybe, but no one is twisting your arm, and besides, there's some good stuff down there...after all, there are certainly worse ways for you to waste fifteen or twenty minutes on the internet.


"Only one question really matters. Does God exist or not? If he does, that has implications for every aspect of our personal and public behavior: all of our actions, all of our choices, all of our decisions. If God exists, denying him in our public life—whether we do it explicitly like Nietzsche or implicitly by our silence—cannot serve the common good, because it amounts to worshiping the unreal in the place of the real. "    
- Charles J. Chaput 

"...there is no medium, in true philosophy, between Atheism and Catholicity.....a perfectly consistent mind, under those circumstances in which it finds itself here below must embrace either the one or the other..."
- Cardinal John Henry Newman

"Sooner or later one is obliged to adopt a positive stance towards life and society. It would be putting it too crudely to say that every poet in our time must either die young, enter the Catholic Church, or join the Communist Party, but in fact the escape from the consciousness of futility is along these lines." 
- George Orwell