Not really a "blog", strictly speaking; more of an on-line notebook. A sort of commonplace book , where I can collect short excerpts, and related links, from books that I am reading (and the occasional on-line article). This is mostly for my benefit; things that I want to remember. Sounds dull? Yeah, maybe, but no one is twisting your arm, and besides, there's some good stuff down there...after all, there are certainly worse ways for you to waste fifteen or twenty minutes on the internet.


Is God A Delusion?; A Reply To Religions Cultured Despisers - Eric Reitan

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"I think that all religious believers should take to heart the words that Simone Weil, the early twentieth-century mystic and philosopher wrote in her correspondence with a Catholic priest friend: "For it seemed to me certain, and I still think so today, that one can never wrestle enough with God if one does so out pure regard for the truth. Christ likes us to prefer truth to him because, before becoming Christ, he is truth."

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