Not really a "blog", strictly speaking; more of an on-line notebook. A sort of commonplace book , where I can collect short excerpts, and related links, from books that I am reading (and the occasional on-line article). This is mostly for my benefit; things that I want to remember. Sounds dull? Yeah, maybe, but no one is twisting your arm, and besides, there's some good stuff down there...after all, there are certainly worse ways for you to waste fifteen or twenty minutes on the internet.


The Goldilocks Enigma; Why Is the Universe Just Right for Life? -Paul Davies

- Buy this book.

- About the Author

- video: Paul Davies on an Ultimate Explanation,   
- Part 1/5
- Part 2/5       
- Part 3/5      
- Part 4/5      
- Part 5/5

"I am convinced that human understanding of nature through science, rational reasoning, and mathematics points to a much deeper connection between life, mind, and cosmos than emerges from the crude lottery of multiverse cosmology combined with the weak anthropic principle. In some, mind, and physical law are part of a common scheme, mutually supporting.  Somehow, the universe has generated its own self-awareness. I shall argue in the coming sections that the bio-friendliness of the universe is an observer selection effect but that it operates at a much deeper level than the passive "winners in a random lottery" explanation.

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